
Jaxon's Journey

Initial Challenges and Diagnosis

At 26 months old, Jaxon began his developmental therapy at the CDI, presenting skills within the 9-18 month developmental range, across all areas. He came to us with a diagnosis of ASD Level 3, Fragile X Syndrome, intellectual disability, ADHD, and generalised anxiety disorder, illustrating the complexity of his needs.

Skills on enrolment (aged 2yrs, 2 months)

Tailored Therapy Approach

Over a period of 2 years and 8 months, Jaxon participated in a structured therapy program designed to address his specific developmental challenges. His therapy journey included:

Inspiring Outcomes

Skills now (aged 4yrs 10 mths)

“When Jaxon started at the CDI he wasn’t talking, wasn’t really playing or interacting with anyone and he was having a lot of meltdowns. Fast forward to today, Jaxon can easily separate from me now at drop off time. He can put 2-3 words together and can verbally express his needs and wants. He engages in play with both adults and his peers. He is developing his pretend play skills and initiates play with others. Jaxon has always been a sweet little petal but CDI has really allowed him to blossom.” 

– Belinda, mother of Jaxon